Experience and innovation in tourism risk management

For more than 30 years, we have been constantly analyzing the world of travel risks to create new guarantees that meet the needs of brokers and insurers worldwide.

Our customers

The best endorsement of our work method

The Mana method

We understand reality

More than 30 years leading and globally analyzing a constantly changing market.

Close and permanent contact with major insurance companies and specialized brokers.

Active listening to the needs, concerns and obligations of the tourism world.

We model the risks

Robust data architecture with the most advanced analysis models.

A team of top actuarial professionals, underwriters and risk analysts.

Great regulatory knowledge of the sector and the highest levels of compliance.

We control the management

Proprietary management model that simplifies your operations with a constant flow of communication.

We have state-of-the-art technology that facilitates real-time reporting of your business.

Selection, management and monitoring of services and assistance with the highest levels of quality.

Continuous improvement

Broad vision involving our partners from the beginning of the process.

Information traceability, market analysis and portfolio tracking.

We innovate to create solutions that adapt to market realities.

Our method

We act worldwide as a link between large insurance capacities and specialist brokers.

This allows us to constantly analyze what is happening in the world of travel risks. In this way, we learn in order to create new guarantees that meet the needs of the market.

Insurance capabilities
Cost-effective risk management
Specialist brokers
Customized insurance solution
Service providers
Provision of services and assistance

Working together

We create insurance solutions that meet the needs of the tourism sector.